










Christine, did you just say “get OUTSIDE and write?”

How is that possible?

It’s not a matter of logistics, or finding a stone tablet to rest your quill and parchment, it’s a writing trick to get you going. To spur inspiration.

And, to write the heck out of your next message.

Blank page…even blanker mind.

A cure for the blank page

Writing is a wonderful release of creativity, but what happens when all you end up doing is staring at a blank screen?

I go outside.

As a matter of fact, some of my best writing happens when I’m walking or running.

No, I haven’t rigged up a pen and pad that conveniently hangs around my neck.

Here is where technology plays a big role in the creative process…

Thoughts flow faster through your mind than your hands and fingers can keep up.

Plus, all the genius ideas seem to come when there isn’t a keyboard in site…for miles.


Take to the mic

I have written dozens and dozens of articles and blog posts using my mic. I have a thought, I pull out my phone and dictate it into Evernote (or notes) to capture the thought in the moment.

Stream of consciousness plays a big part in creating meaningful and real content that your readers will love to consume. so let yourself go and let your content flow.


There you have the first draft of your article.

This isn’t a new ‘technique’ or another hokey trick to get you to your marketing goal. Joe Pulizzi, of Content Marketing Institute, wrote about “free writing” or stream of consciousness writing back in 2010 called Leverage Free Writing to Solve Content Marketing Block.

In case you’re not familiar with Joe, he and Brian Clark (CEO of Copyblogger, another name you should know) are the father’s of content marketing. They have been around the block or two when it comes to getting your content messages out into the world.

Your ideas are already scan-worthy

The cool thing about using your mic to write your content – and using a steam of consciousness technique – is that you content fits the rule of scannability.

You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth repeating.

When you’re writing to attract and engage your reader, writing content in a short, scannable format works better to capture attention and lead them through your article, rather than long, wordy paragraphs.

Stream of consciousness ideas happen in short bursts, then you end up filling in the blanks, adding story, details, and other facts that your reader wants to see.

And speaking of being-around-the-block, when you take a few trips around the block (or hike a trail, whatever floats your boat), with mic in hand, you’ll produce some great content ideas that will excite your readers and get you writing on a regular basis!

Well, gotta “run”! The road is calling me for content!


Like this article? There’s more where this came from, plus other tips, content challenges and even ways to make work feel like you’re your goofing off.
